
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Cast - It's On (Official Full Movie Scene)
Camp Rock 2 Cast - It's On - Subitulado al Español...
published: 25 Aug 2010
Author: iCrister
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Cast - It's On (Official Full Movie Scene)
Camp Rock 2 Cast - It's On - Subitulado al Español

Camp rock 2 - It's On FULL movie scene
It's On FULL movie scene from Disney Channel's Camp Rock 2 - The Final Jam!...
published: 03 Sep 2010
Author: Fred8328
Camp rock 2 - It's On FULL movie scene
It's On FULL movie scene from Disney Channel's Camp Rock 2 - The Final Jam!

Girls` Generation(소녀시대) _ Gee _ MusicVideo
♪ Download on iTunes = itunes.apple.com ☞ For more Information : girlsgenerati...
published: 08 Jun 2009
Author: sment
Girls` Generation(소녀시대) _ Gee _ MusicVideo
♪ Download on iTunes = itunes.apple.com ☞ For more Information : girlsgeneration.smtown.com ※ EXTRAS ■ Girls' Generation Gee Live Wallpaper & Widget app (Android market) market.android.com ♬ Girls' Generation Gee ℗ SMEntertainment

Spider-Man 3 How It Should Have Ended
How Spider-Man 3 Should Have Ended From Start To Finish www.howitshouldhaveended.com Let&#...
published: 10 Sep 2007
Author: HISHEdotcom
Spider-Man 3 How It Should Have Ended
How Spider-Man 3 Should Have Ended From Start To Finish www.howitshouldhaveended.com Let's face it, as enjoyable as Spider-Man is, the last film had many moments that "should" have been a little different. Please enjoy our first (and hopefully not the last) "From Start To Finish" parody short.

Annoying Orange - Annoying Orange Wazzup
Annoying Orange hangs out with the whole gang. Spoof of the old Budweiser commercials. FRE...
published: 22 Jan 2010
Author: realannoyingorange
Annoying Orange - Annoying Orange Wazzup
Annoying Orange hangs out with the whole gang. Spoof of the old Budweiser commercials. FREE version of my video game Kitchen Carnage is out!!! iTunes: bit.ly Android: bit.ly MERCH: AO TOYS! bit.ly T-SHIRTS: jcp.is iPHONE iPOD GAME: bit.ly iPAD GAME: bit.ly ANDROID GAME: bit.ly FOLLOW ME: TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com MY WEBSITE: annoyingorange.com WATCH ALL MY EPISODES bit.ly CREATED BY: DANEBOE: youtube.com DANEBOE GAMING CHANNEL: youtube.com DANEBOE 2ND CHANNEL: youtube.com

Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Food chain slaves
It is a nation built on the abolition of slavery, but there are at least 40000 slaves in t...
published: 11 Oct 2011
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Food chain slaves
It is a nation built on the abolition of slavery, but there are at least 40000 slaves in the US today. In the opening episode of Slavery: A 21st Century Evil, Al Jazeera's Rageh Omaar investigates food chain slavery in the US.

Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Music video by Bon Jovi performing It's My Life. (C) 2003 The Island Def Jam Music Gro...
published: 16 Jun 2009
Author: BonJoviVEVO
Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Music video by Bon Jovi performing It's My Life. (C) 2003 The Island Def Jam Music Group

Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Bonded slaves
It is a form of slavery that is passed down from one generation to the next, enslaving mil...
published: 14 Dec 2011
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Bonded slaves
It is a form of slavery that is passed down from one generation to the next, enslaving millions.

The Darkness 2 - Part 1 - ( Let's Play , Full Playthrough / Walkthrough w/ Live Commentary )
10 Likes? :3 As promised, Here it is :) My first full playthrough!! ⓈⓊⒷ&...
published: 11 Feb 2012
Author: LolFishFail
The Darkness 2 - Part 1 - ( Let's Play , Full Playthrough / Walkthrough w/ Live Commentary )
10 Likes? :3 As promised, Here it is :) My first full playthrough!! ⓈⓊⒷⓈⒸⓇⒾⒷⒺ: www.youtube.com FULL DARKNESS 2 Playthrough!! =-=-=-=-=-=!USEFUL LINKS!=-=-=-=-========== SECOND CHANNEL: www.youtube.com T-SHIRTS: bit.ly Buy us a Beer: bit.ly Respawn Profile: bit.ly Twitter: twitter.com FaceBook: on.fb.me FaceBook Group: on.fb.me STEAM Group: bit.ly ====================================== The Darkness II is a video game developed by Digital Extremes and to be published by 2K Games. The game is the sequel to 2007's The Darkness. The game features the writing of Paul Jenkins, who previously worked on The Darkness comics. Originally scheduled to be released on July 10, 2011 and then on October 4, 2011, it was delayed for both dates and instead was released February 7, 2012 in North America and February 10, 2012 in Europe for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Let's Play The Darkness 2 The Darkness 2 Walkthrough The Darkness 2 Playthrough The Darkness 2 Live Commentary

The Darkness 2 - Part 2 - ( Let's Play , Full Playthrough / Walkthrough w/ Live Commentary )
10 Likes? :3 As promised, Here it is :) My first full playthrough!! ⓈⓊⒷ&...
published: 11 Feb 2012
Author: LolFishFail
The Darkness 2 - Part 2 - ( Let's Play , Full Playthrough / Walkthrough w/ Live Commentary )
10 Likes? :3 As promised, Here it is :) My first full playthrough!! ⓈⓊⒷⓈⒸⓇⒾⒷⒺ: www.youtube.com FULL DARKNESS 2 Playlist!! www.youtube.com =-=-=-=-=-=!USEFUL LINKS!=-=-=-=-========== SECOND CHANNEL: www.youtube.com T-SHIRTS: bit.ly Buy us a Beer: bit.ly Respawn Profile: bit.ly Twitter: twitter.com FaceBook: on.fb.me FaceBook Group: on.fb.me STEAM Group: bit.ly ====================================== The Darkness II is a video game developed by Digital Extremes and to be published by 2K Games. The game is the sequel to 2007's The Darkness. The game features the writing of Paul Jenkins, who previously worked on The Darkness comics. Originally scheduled to be released on July 10, 2011 and then on October 4, 2011, it was delayed for both dates and instead was released February 7, 2012 in North America and February 10, 2012 in Europe for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Let's Play The Darkness 2 The Darkness 2 Walkthrough The Darkness 2 Playthrough The Darkness 2 Live Commentary

Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega - The great enterntainment riot! - Episode 21
Entertainment is dynamic, it is courageous and it is a fine form of your expression. How w...
published: 18 Jun 2011
Author: setindia
Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega - The great enterntainment riot! - Episode 21
Entertainment is dynamic, it is courageous and it is a fine form of your expression. How will the performers prove that entertainment has got no barriers? What does it take to be a dedicated entertainer? From Gymnastics to Bloodstone group's horrifying performance, be sure not to miss this episode. It is a Competition-based variety- entertainment reality show. The Contestants have to entertain judges and a studio audience by doing anything entertaining they can for cash prize/s. It is an Innovative and challenging format. In the format, contestant has to perform for a minimum of 1 minute to win a cash prize. The knock out system is such that the contestant can be vetoed out by the audience and /or the judges. The acts featured on the show centres around : unique/novel styles of singing, dancing, acts that are bizarre in nature, amazing, shocking or wow factor acts, mimicry , stand up comedy , contortionists, acrobatics, gymnasts, magicians. The program is high on entertainment, emotional and reality quotient.

Skyrim Playthrough - Zomgz! It's Paarthunax!
FOLLOW ME: www.twitter.com...
published: 01 Dec 2011
Author: Fatiguu
Skyrim Playthrough - Zomgz! It's Paarthunax!
FOLLOW ME: www.twitter.com

Bulletstorm - Walkthrough: Act 1 - Chapter 3: Whatever it is, it's pissed
Please make sure to LIKE the video. It helps a lot. For all Bulletstorm videos, click the ...
published: 22 Feb 2011
Author: XCVii007r1
Bulletstorm - Walkthrough: Act 1 - Chapter 3: Whatever it is, it's pissed
Please make sure to LIKE the video. It helps a lot. For all Bulletstorm videos, click the playlist here: www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE! www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com

Super Junior 2009 06 27 第二十屆金曲獎流行音樂類頒獎典禮~It`s You + Sorry,Sorry Live
published: 07 Feb 2011
Author: tk301tk302
Super Junior 2009 06 27 第二十屆金曲獎流行音樂類頒獎典禮~It`s You + Sorry,Sorry Live
Vimeo results:

Ibiza Lights II
Music: http://itunes.apple.com/es/album/crimson-wing-mystery-flamingos/id297787201
Follow ...
published: 11 Apr 2012
Author: Jose A. Hervas
Ibiza Lights II
Music: http://itunes.apple.com/es/album/crimson-wing-mystery-flamingos/id297787201
Follow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JoseAHervas
Follow Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JoseHervasMora
Contact: coibza@gmail.com
Thank you to my sponsors:
Lights Ibiza II
Using the new generation of cameras I've Been Able to do this timelapse, a video made up of long-exposure pictures, joined together to show the movement of stars, clouds, shadows, all making a real acceleration of what happens in Many hours , to see Them in seconds.
99.9% of the video it s been done at night time, With The help of LED lamps, to illuminate rocks, trees etc ... When There Was no moon, I used Exposures from 30 to 40 seconds, Taking About 2:30 hours to do a sequence, But It's better When you see the stars and constellations.
I have also used the moonlight to do shorter exposures because the moonlight can be quite bright, depending on which phase is on. Some of the shots look like they have been done during the day. When you shot under the moonlight the exposure can be from 15 to 8 seconds and can take up to 1.15 hours, so I could shot the moviment of the shadow over the rocks, the moviment of the clouds during the night …
The pictures were all made With A Canon 5D Mark II and Canon Used lenses 16-35mm, Canon 24-70mm, Canon 24mm, Most Of Them Were Made at F/2.8, ISO 1600, 3200, 6400.
All the pictures are real, it looks like They Are too many stars. This is Because the human eye can not catch much light at night. The camera movement Has Been made by two types of sliders, the "Dynamic Perception" and the "Pocket Slider" where the camera moves A Few millimeters photo by photo, Creating this movement. This is all controlled by a small computer the MX2 Arduino Controller.
Most of These Have Been Made with shots the company of my friend Alejandro Iborra, sharing the Same hobby, Knowing That going out at night and spend long hours in very remote places and apologetic to get Into it, is some kind of risky business, Sometimes I Had to go out on my own and i got some fright.
And of course thanks to my wife and Alejandro Iborra's Wife for Letting us enjoy this hobby.
All pictures are made in the island of Ibiza, this is my birth place, a wonderful place to take pictures in their most beautiful spots, caves, beaches, mountains etc ... Where You can discover a different side of Ibiza than most people have never seen .
Luces de Ibiza II
Utilizando la nueva generación de cámaras fotograficas he podido hacer este timelapse, un video compuesto de fotos de larga exposición, que se unieron para mostrar el movimiento de estrellas, nubes, sombras, todo con una aceleración real de lo que sucede en muchas horas , para poder verlo en cuestión de segundos.
El 99,9% del vídeo se ha hecho en la noche, con la ayuda de lámparas led, para iluminar las rocas, árboles, etc ... cuando no había luna, he usado las exposiciones de 30 a 40 segundos,tardando 2:30 horas para hacer una secuencia de 10 segundos, pero es cuando mejor se ven las estrellas y constelaciones.
También he fotografiado con la luz de la luna para realizar exposiciones más cortas, debido a que la luz de la luna ilumina en gran medida dependiendo de su fase, algunas de las tomas parecen que están hechas durante el día, cuando se fotografia con la luna la exposiciónes son de 15 a 8 segundos y tarda alrededor de 1: 15 horas, asi pude captar el movimiento de la sombra sobre las rocas, el movimiento de las nubes en la noche, etc ...
Las imágenes fueron hechas con una Canon 5D Mark II y he utilizado los objetivos de Canon 16-35mm, Canon 24-70mm, Canon 24mm, la mayoría de ellas fueron hechas en F/2.8, ISO 1600, 3200, 6400.
Todas las fotos son reales aunque parezca que hay demasiadas estrellas esto es porque el ojo humano no puede captar tanta luz en la noche. El movimiento de la cámara ha sido hecha por dos tipos de railes, el "Dynamic Perception" y el "Pocket Slider", donde la cámara se mueve unos pocos milímetros foto a foto, para dar esa sensacion de movimiento. Todo esto es controlado por un pequeño ordenador el MX2 controlador Arduino.
La mayoría de las mis salidas han sido con la compañía de mi amigo Alejandro Iborra, que comparte la misma afición, ya que salir solo por la noche y pasar largas horas en lugares muy remotos y dificiles es algo peligroso, aunque a veces he salido solo y me he llevado algun susto.
Y por supuesto gracias a mi esposa y la esposa de Alejandro Iborra de por dejarnos disfrutar de esta afición.
Todas las imágenes son creadas en la isla de Ibiza, donde he nacido, un lugar maravilloso para tomar fotos en sus lugares más bellos, calas, playas, montañas, etc ... donde se puede conocer un lado diferente de Ibiza que la mayoría de la gente no sabe.

Brain Farm - The Art of Flight Trailer
Just when you thought the producers of “That’s It, That’s All” couldn’t top themselves com...
published: 05 May 2011
Author: Brain Farm
Brain Farm - The Art of Flight Trailer
Just when you thought the producers of “That’s It, That’s All” couldn’t top themselves comes a new breed of snowboarding entertainment.
“The Art of FLIGHT” follows Travis Rice, John Jackson, Mark Landvik, Scotty Lago, Jake Blauvelt, Nicolas Muller, Gigi Ruf, DCP and Pat Moore as they dream up new global adventures and progress the sport to unimaginable levels.
Brain Farm has gathered an arsenal of the most advanced and progressive filmmaking technology to bring the masses a snowboarding adventure of epic proportions. Filmed on location in Jackson Hole, Alaska, Chile, Aspen, Patagonia, British Columbia and more, FLIGHT brings the viewer along for the perfect blend of adventure/travel drama and high-energy snowboarding action.
“The Art of FLIGHT” releases September 2011.
The song is a collaboration between Anthony Gonzalez from M83 and Curt Morgan from Brain Farm.
Artist: The Three Corners of The Earth
Title: "Fire Shall Devour Them"
Download it here: itunes.apple.com/us/album/fire-shall-devour-them-single/id423338811

Warm Signal
A short abstract movie dealing with nature and maritime creatures, metamorphosis ...
published: 16 Jul 2010
Author: silja
Warm Signal
A short abstract movie dealing with nature and maritime creatures, metamorphosis and transformation – it connects art and science. Strong emphasis on sound, related to the idea of visual music.
The Style is soft but clean, focussing on black & white.
I studied media design at University of Applied Sciences in Mainz and this is my diploma thesis – it´s not the official musicvideo.
Modeling & Animation: Cinema 4d
Compositing: After Effects
Editing: Final Cut
Sound: Apparat
»Warm Signal« taken from the Album Duplex (Label: Shitkatapult)
more work to see:
Featured on Stash 78
Interview on get addicted to…

Wolfsgruppe VAG EVENT 2011
It was tough 3 rainy days, I had a lot of ideas before the show, but rain killed them all ...
published: 12 Feb 2012
Author: Loniek
Wolfsgruppe VAG EVENT 2011
It was tough 3 rainy days, I had a lot of ideas before the show, but rain killed them all :). Final movie is not so energizing like in 2010, it`s different, check yourself, press play and enjoy.
Better quality Full HD version can be downloaded after loging on vimeo.
Official VAG EVENT gallery:
- http://wolfsgruppe.com/vagevent2011/
- http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150630867021350.447428.206598316349&type;=3
Info about 2012 show:
Produced by www.Mnono.pl for Wolfsgruppe.com
Follow us at Faceboook - www.wolfsgruppe.com/facebook
1. Awkoder - Lovely Eyes
2. The Structure - Intro After Midnight
3. Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (WhiteNoise Remix)
4. Jacksons 5 - ABC (A.skillz remix)
Youtube results:

Crysis 2 - Part 10: It's quiet... TOO quiet. (1080p and directX 11)
Over 3000 of you said play Crysis 2 - so here we go :) it's time for some violence! Se...
published: 28 Aug 2011
Author: OMFGcata
Crysis 2 - Part 10: It's quiet... TOO quiet. (1080p and directX 11)
Over 3000 of you said play Crysis 2 - so here we go :) it's time for some violence! Sexy, sexy violence!

Let's Play: Kingdom Hearts 1 - Part 22 - Behemoth
This is the game Kingdom Hearts recorded in true 720p HD. Commentary is supplied by TehNev...
published: 19 May 2012
Author: TehNevs
Let's Play: Kingdom Hearts 1 - Part 22 - Behemoth
This is the game Kingdom Hearts recorded in true 720p HD. Commentary is supplied by TehNevs. Welcome to a very special Let's Play of Kingdom Hearts. My all time favorite game. This is should be one of the best looking Kingdom Hearts walkthroughs on the internet. It is being recorded at a much higher quality than the PS2 would allow. Enjoy!

Mindcrack SMP - EP 28: Radio Docm77
MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We...
published: 05 Aug 2012
Author: docm77
Mindcrack SMP - EP 28: Radio Docm77
MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. We finish the sand generator and do lots of enchanting. Also, I am using a new mic setup. It is the Blue Yeti. Please gimme feedback about the audio, much appreciated. Faithful32x32 Docm77 Edition for 1.3: www.mediafire.com Make sure to use mcpatcher before applying HD textures! Docm77's Fight Night: youtu.be Power Creepers: youtu.be Docm77´s Social Media: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Google+: plus.google.com Live Stream: www.twitch.tv ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texture pack: Faithful 32x32 Docm77 Edition Download can be found in my channel link section. Thanks for watching! Intro: Docm's Song - www.youtube.com Instrumental Version: soundcloud.com Version with Docm77 Vocals: soundcloud.com

Let's Play Crash Bandicoot - Part 32 - Jaws of Darkness - The Second Key
This level has the most boxes in the entire game. For some it is a hard level, but I don&#...
published: 17 Jul 2010
Author: crashpro3
Let's Play Crash Bandicoot - Part 32 - Jaws of Darkness - The Second Key
This level has the most boxes in the entire game. For some it is a hard level, but I don't think it is. I might have died, but that was at the beginning, so I didn't have to reset the level.